andrewandoru home

projects: Rogic Pro.

Apple posted some nice Logic Studio tutorials on their site:
Logic Studio Tutorials

i also recommend checking out this dude’s videos:
David Earl

and listen to my happy little beat:

made using Ultrabeat, SpaceDesigner, and other fun stuff. ultrabeat is ridiculously powerful, I think that thing could probably create the brown note.

this is all you have to do to post an audio file (mp3) by the way:
Quicktime Embedding Guide

projects: this is what I do for fun…

this is just a taste of what is actually available, muahahaha!

just an overview of a few bits and pieces of my film. I went through so much pain to render this ridiculous video, but after 5 hilarious After Effects crashes, and one Compressor re compression later, here it is.

learn: an interesting read. . .

Cartoons Without Computers? Silly Animators! – NY Times

nice to see that others drive themselves absolute mad with this stuff as well.

andrew hake
one man thinktank
