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labs: fn & layout triggered by Magic Mushka. . .

touch me

Looking to get a little bit more friendly with that new Magic Mouse? Look no further.

I have been using BetterTouchTool since I got my hands on the Magic Mouse to be able to middle click in apps like Maya, Nuke, whatever. I actually asked the developer Andreas Hegenberg for very specific middle click functionality (being able to click with one finger in the center of the mouse and to have an adjustment for the exact parts of the mouse that would respond to it) and he came through 100% within 48hrs:

He has recently added many other types of gestures, and a favorite of mine, a single tap right on (or right above) the Apple logo. I have a few tools I have made to make my day to day workflow a little bit more efficient. fn & layout are simple workflow tools that promote laziness to its full extent and the Magic Mouse has managed to make them a little lazier!

960×600 .mov


If your mind is blown then comment or email and I will uhh. . . un-blow it for you. Hmm. . .


listen: C’est Magnifique! . .

<a href="">C&#8217;est Magnifique! (teaser) by Ekahwerdna</a>

Listen on iPhone

Here’s something with a little swing to it. Kicks, and snares, and hi-hats, and the like.


look: Using iPhone camera data in AE. . .


Just trying out a technique using the iPhone to capture some handheld camera data and use it in a comp. Even with only 640×480 pixels and an envelope with hand drawn tracker markers it still works very well.

Section of the iPhone camera track:

Watch it on an iPhone

This is a fantastic way to take the “perfect” out of the CG camera without messing with the CG methods of doing it. Randomization does not equal human, the way a human moves while holding a camera, large or small, is very far from random. Should be fairly simple to move data like this from application to application once a good track is put together.

Essentially the poorest, least efficient, laziest man’s version of James Cameron’s SimulCam without any of the benefits, except the human feel.

(Vimeo. . . I just can’t deal with Flash in my life anymore, I will still upload to you for continuity’s sake, but I want iPhone viewable embeds!)

And animators need some frame by frame action damn it!

listen: Kyoto Funky Walker. . .

kyoto funky walker

<a href="">Kyoto Funky Walker by Ekahwerdna</a>

Listen on iPhone

The first track from Extended Service, the next bit of music from Ekahwerdna. Available for Download!


floating world: project page updates. . .

Here are some items I recently added to the Projects section of my site for my Floating World project.

A few storyboard panels:

And a quick scene layout demo:

More to come very very soon!

[Floating World]

look: andrewhake.reel. . .

QuickTime Version (26MB)

iPhone Version

Added my Spec board/reel of my work from 2009 to my Projects page.

Many of these projects were group efforts, if you would like to know more about my specific involvement on any project feel free to ask. My contact info is available at the end of the reel and on the right column of this site.

Thanks for watching!

andrew hake
one man thinktank
