andrewandoru home

projects: cubeBot finds a home. . .

What started as a few window whiteboard scribbles. . .

cubeBot concept

. . . and has started to become more and more an identity for this site. I present to you cubeBot, and glimpse at where this little guy is headed.

cubeBot character sheet
cubeBot character sheet

cubeBot look 1
cubeBot look 2
cubeBot render tests.

And a simple look at his natural habitat:

cubeBot environment test (13MB .mov)

A big collection of cubes driven by some simple MEL expressions.

A lot more coming up in regards to this project. (Including but not limited to) Original score by Ekahwerdna, crowd and character animation, and some sexy sexy UI work.


3 Responses

  1. Buster Moody says:

    Awesome, dude. I’m getting excited looking at this and want to see more. Can’t wait to see some motion, brotion!

  2. yzzi says:

    Those are purdy renders. Are you compositing them in the nuke or somffin? He needs to dance, also. Dang!

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one man thinktank
