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labs: storyboard templates pack. . .

I have done a little bit of re-configuring and provided BLANK title and name .PDF’s for people that might not have Illustrator.

click images for previews of what is included

All zipped up in a single pack

UPDATE: Download 2010 version…
[1.19mb .zip file] (includes Illustrator and .PDF files)

For those using the Illustrator (.ai) files please make sure to change the Title at the top and the Name at the bottom to avoid looking foolish. It takes 2 clicks and 5 seconds.

click image for preview

Enjoy! Leave me donations! Feel good about yourself!

labs: Using Google Docs to track your $. . .

I am absolutely terrible at keeping track of my spending, I really didn’t have a simple and quick method.

Now, however, I have discovered an incredibly user friendly and efficient way of doing just that, all using Google Docs, so it will always be available from anywhere with Internet access. Google makes it EVEN cooler with access to all these things Offline as well meaning as long as the info has been recently synced up, you can check your balance spreadsheet, email, etc. without an internet connection, using Google Gears.

Here is my new gameplan:
andoru gameplan

spending report

I followed a Doc written up by Nick Espinosa, that allows be to access the Form to Add a Transaction or Deposit in many different ways, the main one being right from my email Account, other include a simple bookmark, etc. You could even do this with an Internet capable phone (iPhone, I wouldn’t recommend the others). So basically whenever you spend some $, you simply open up the form, fill out the info, press Add and the data will be sent to your Google Docs Spending Report spreadsheet, which you can also access easily from Gmail, or just a simple Bookmark, to checkout your total Balance, or really do what ever you want with it.

You could even make Pie charts of the different categories of your spending, or a line graph to watch how the amount of money you have is falling drastically. . .

Anyway, it is fantastic, I highly recommend trying it out. And for those not using Gmail already, come on already, it is not that tough to switch your email address, and it is definitely worth it.

Also I can email anyone the link the the Google Docs template from my own account so they can use it as reference as well. The part that will take the longest is creating your own custom form that you will use to add data to your spreadsheet. So worth the 10 minutes it took.


labs: 2.39:1 storyboard templates

for those wanting to be really official

click image for preview


labs: fn app…


It’s great to be able to change your volume and brightness and whatever on the fly with your fn keys. It’s not so great when working in programs like Maya and After Effects, Nuke, or Shake where you really need those keys to act as normal fn keys, to change menu sets, and other things.

That is what “fn” is for. It simply Toggles “Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys” in Keyboard preferences.

This is how it works:

fn1.1 in action

I like to keep it in my dock or finder toolbar so whenever I need to switch that preference I can do it quickly.

Download: fn download page. . .

Enjoy! If there are any issues, concerns, or requests please contact: It is quite possible there could be a few little bugs or improvements that could be made so don’t be afraid to contact me. This app is free, no donations allowed on this one. . .


labs: 16:9 2008 storyboard templates!

click on image for preview


an Illustrator file with two different Panel Types, 2 panel and 5 panel. If someone needs a .pdf version let me know.

and change the damn name before you print out if you decide to use them.


andrew hake
one man thinktank
