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listen/watch: Blackthought and ?uestlove. . .

I saw a blip of this many many years ago on TV, still not complete, but still the best MC out there:


You already know who The Roots are, if you don’t, you might want to start listening to some better music. Luckily they have made it very easy for you with Home Grown!
the roots - homegrown!
I highly recommend checking out any of their albums in full. Do You Want More?!!!??!, Things Fall Apart, Phrenology, and The Tipping Point are my favorites, but The Roots are kind of special in that they have an endless list of incredible tracks.

[The Roots – WIKIpedia]

listen: free the robots. . .

This is a going to be a new series of what should be very frequent posts. Simple really, what new (update: or old) stuff I am listening too. Because I selfishly believe I have the greatest musical taste of anyone with a website called I will try to provide some useful information as well as links to appropriate places to give a listen, and get some information. That said:
now listening - free the robots
Where has this been all my life? I don’t know what the deal is this winter, but I am finding new great music every single day, often multiple times a day.

Best remix I have ever heard. . ?

Listen to this remix, then check out the rest on iTunes (link will open iTunes).

Then do whatever you can to see a live show. And let me know when your going. . .

It is incredible how all of the things I like start to connect to each other, music, animation, people with similar tastes seem . . . not gravitate towards one another, just float around relative to one another, watching and influencing, and creating where best needed.

[iTunes] – for listening or purchase purposes, BUY IT! $5 that you probably would have spent on a hamburger or something dumb like that. Remember, iTunes Plus.

listen: feedle. . .

Happy Music for your Happy New Year! some fantastic music by a guy from the UK, some of the nicest stuff I have heard in years: you can check out some free tracks on the label’s site:
(at the bottom of the page) some nice long tracks for free

and you can check out previews of the other tracks on iTunes (link will open up iTunes).

all of it is great, but Song for Dogs, Thundering Garden, Physician, are definitely 100% golden.

andrew hake
one man thinktank
