just playing around with some new software instruments after installing more of the Logic Studio content. So much more to play with now. I usually just find a software instrument I like, play around with it until I find a basic loop to built on top of, and go from there.
here is a quick beat with a Japanese Koto, a few loops, and a little more Ultrabeat.
i may actually create an entire track with this one.
this is just a taste of what is actually available, muahahaha!
just an overview of a few bits and pieces of my film. I went through so much pain to render this ridiculous video, but after 5 hilarious After Effects crashes, and one Compressor re compression later, here it is.
another animatic for the floating world, includes everything except for a little bit at the end that I will keep to myself for now.
now I can finally move to the really fun stuff, modeling, animation, 2d and 3d, rigging, rendering, layout, compositing, sound, music, editing… making animated films is easy right?
I think I finally have all the firepower I need to get my main character up and running, modeling, rigging, and animation knowledge that is. My big worry was rigging, but I finally managed to collect all the info I think I will need to not be so fearful of it.
look for a very interesting and very moving robot that doesn’t know any better…
this is only the beginning folks, here is a quick leg rig test setup, don’t mind the simple geometry, of course it will be much crazier than that: