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projects: music with new resources

just playing around with some new software instruments after installing more of the Logic Studio content. So much more to play with now. I usually just find a software instrument I like, play around with it until I find a basic loop to built on top of, and go from there.

here is a quick beat with a Japanese Koto, a few loops, and a little more Ultrabeat.


i may actually create an entire track with this one.

projects: Rogic Pro.

Apple posted some nice Logic Studio tutorials on their site:
Logic Studio Tutorials

i also recommend checking out this dude’s videos:
David Earl

and listen to my happy little beat:

made using Ultrabeat, SpaceDesigner, and other fun stuff. ultrabeat is ridiculously powerful, I think that thing could probably create the brown note.

this is all you have to do to post an audio file (mp3) by the way:
Quicktime Embedding Guide

projects: this is what I do for fun…

this is just a taste of what is actually available, muahahaha!

just an overview of a few bits and pieces of my film. I went through so much pain to render this ridiculous video, but after 5 hilarious After Effects crashes, and one Compressor re compression later, here it is.

projects: floating world – animatic with fin

another animatic for the floating world, includes everything except for a little bit at the end that I will keep to myself for now.

now I can finally move to the really fun stuff, modeling, animation, 2d and 3d, rigging, rendering, layout, compositing, sound, music, editing… making animated films is easy right?


projects: floating world – robotsy

I think I finally have all the firepower I need to get my main character up and running, modeling, rigging, and animation knowledge that is. My big worry was rigging, but I finally managed to collect all the info I think I will need to not be so fearful of it.

look for a very interesting and very moving robot that doesn’t know any better…

this is only the beginning folks, here is a quick leg rig test setup, don’t mind the simple geometry, of course it will be much crazier than that:

floating world – robotsy – leg rig test

and don’t forget to check this out in HD in full screen if you really want to know what is going on…naw mein?

mad beats by Louis Armstrong.

Cut from the Same CLOTH? again? what?

Cut From the Same Cloth

stop using flip flapping YouTube to upload your beautiful animation and videos and start using Vimeo!

faster better, High Deffer, do it.

you can watch this video in HD on Vimeo as well, just choose the HD on option in the top right corner.

andrew hake
one man thinktank
