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labs: light table! . .

After using early morning sunlight and a window as a light table to polish up those final frames, an iPad with a white image is a whole new world. Even better, with iOS 4.2.1 released today you have built in Brightness control with a simple double-tap of the Home Button and a swipe to the left.

Not being one to do things half-assed I present to you:


light table!

A glorious new web app for the iPad (maybe the iPhone if you’re in the flip-book mood) that displays an incredible white background image as far as the eyes can see. Just visit the above link (or type “”) and add this to your home screen:

light-table homescreen

Visit the site using the home screen icon and you will see this:

iphone lighttable

Find a nice chip clip, and you pretty much have yourself one of these:

real lighttable



andrew hake
one man thinktank
