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floating world: project page updates. . .

Here are some items I recently added to the Projects section of my site for my Floating World project.

A few storyboard panels:

And a quick scene layout demo:

More to come very very soon!

[Floating World]

labs: storyboard templates pack. . .

I have done a little bit of re-configuring and provided BLANK title and name .PDF’s for people that might not have Illustrator.

click images for previews of what is included

All zipped up in a single pack

UPDATE: Download 2010 version…
[1.19mb .zip file] (includes Illustrator and .PDF files)

For those using the Illustrator (.ai) files please make sure to change the Title at the top and the Name at the bottom to avoid looking foolish. It takes 2 clicks and 5 seconds.

click image for preview

Enjoy! Leave me donations! Feel good about yourself!

andrew hake
one man thinktank
