An overview of some of the rigging/technical work I have done. Including:
-Maya Camera rigs
-character rigging
-layout/scene rigging
-camera projection
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments! A lot of this work will be appearing in fully rendered form in upcoming and current projects or on my next reel and some of these assets may soon be available on this site.
Some stills from a test I started on accident that could very well turn in to something interesting:
Rendered out at a very low sample rate (to avoid hilarious overnight renders) in RenderMan slapped together in Nuke:
Really just doing some tests for some IDs for a fake company, also have some new workflow tools coming up the pipe. . .
EDIT: Just had a Ahh Yes! moment with this one, you will definitely see something in the future involving this idea that should be quite interesting indeed!
Just trying out a technique using the iPhone to capture some handheld camera data and use it in a comp. Even with only 640×480 pixels and an envelope with hand drawn tracker markers it still works very well.
This is a fantastic way to take the “perfect” out of the CG camera without messing with the CG methods of doing it. Randomization does not equal human, the way a human moves while holding a camera, large or small, is very far from random. Should be fairly simple to move data like this from application to application once a good track is put together.
Essentially the poorest, least efficient, laziest man’s version of James Cameron’s SimulCam without any of the benefits, except the human feel.
(Vimeo. . . I just can’t deal with Flash in my life anymore, I will still upload to you for continuity’s sake, but I want iPhone viewable embeds!)
And animators need some frame by frame action damn it!
Added my Spec board/reel of my work from 2009 to my Projects page.
Many of these projects were group efforts, if you would like to know more about my specific involvement on any project feel free to ask. My contact info is available at the end of the reel and on the right column of this site.
The Floating World is back in action, spitting out some RenderMan renders of some shots, and trying to get the CG shots really polished up. Should be posting more animation and artwork very very soon.
I have some more tools to post up as well, an update to the MayaRender droplets and some other interesting workflow tools.