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look: Après la pluie. . !

Après la pluie (And it Rained…)

(a film by Charles-André LEFEBVRE, Manuel TANON-TCHI, Louis TARDIVIER, Sébastien VOVAU, and Emmanuelle WALKER.)

2d, 3d, incredible animation, color, environment, characters, technique, brings a tear to my eye:

“Après la pluie” / Making of / Manuel Tanon-Tchi from manu tanon-tchi

check out Emmanuelle.Walker, Manuel Tanontchi, and anyone else they happen to link to. Let me know what you all think because I am highly inspired. You should see much more out of me very shortly.


listen: feedle. . .

Happy Music for your Happy New Year! some fantastic music by a guy from the UK, some of the nicest stuff I have heard in years: you can check out some free tracks on the label’s site:
(at the bottom of the page) some nice long tracks for free

and you can check out previews of the other tracks on iTunes (link will open up iTunes).

all of it is great, but Song for Dogs, Thundering Garden, Physician, are definitely 100% golden.

watch/projects: sandopus Project. . .

The Sandopus Project from Andrew Hake.

warm up project for Senior Year at KCAI. my first return to backlit sand animation since Sophomore year. There are many things I would like to tidy up, as well as a few more layers I would like to add, but it was a fantastic project. Spent right around 24 hours for this one once I started animating.

This version is at 24 frames per second so there are a few oddities, some jittering and things, but I kind of like it, it maybe works a little better at 12fps though as most stop motion does, so I may upload that one as well.

This was also my first test with Dragon Stop Motion, a fantastic bit of software developed by Jamie and Dyami Caliri. Jamie is probably most well-known for his United Airlines paper cut-out stop motion commercials. This is without a doubt the best stop motion software out there, I highly recommend everyone check it out. I am planning on testing it as a pencil test system very soon as well.

The music is “Snow Tip Cap Mountain” by The Octopus Project, from their album, Hello Avalanche:


You may see more of this one in the future…

projects: music with new resources

just playing around with some new software instruments after installing more of the Logic Studio content. So much more to play with now. I usually just find a software instrument I like, play around with it until I find a basic loop to built on top of, and go from there.

here is a quick beat with a Japanese Koto, a few loops, and a little more Ultrabeat.


i may actually create an entire track with this one.

projects: Rogic Pro.

Apple posted some nice Logic Studio tutorials on their site:
Logic Studio Tutorials

i also recommend checking out this dude’s videos:
David Earl

and listen to my happy little beat:

made using Ultrabeat, SpaceDesigner, and other fun stuff. ultrabeat is ridiculously powerful, I think that thing could probably create the brown note.

this is all you have to do to post an audio file (mp3) by the way:
Quicktime Embedding Guide

sketchbook: Dr. Sketchy’s

went to Dr. Sketchy’s last Sunday, fun times, best singer in the world Shay Estes was there to pose and perform with her friends Mark Lowrey and Mark Southerland. Two Marks don’t always make a right, but in this case there is an exception.

will definitely be posting more sketchbook related content in ze future.

andrew hake
one man thinktank
