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labs: NukeView_v1.2.1. . .

nukeview dock

NukeView updated to v1.2.1. Support for Nuke6.2v2 naming conventions

NukeView download page. . .

[2011.03.04 – v1.2.1]
-added support for Nuke 6.2v2 (adds ****-**** frame numbers to end of command)
[2010.10.6 – v1.2]
-added support for more naming conventions and made naming system more robust
[2010.10.6 – v1.1]
-updated for 64bit versions of Nuke (6.1v2…) that use new directory naming scheme
[2010.5.28 – v1.0]
-redeveloped to allow opening and drag and drop of any file in sequence, NukeView will find how many characters are in the fileCount and open it accordingly.
[2010.5.17 – v1.0]
-developed basic functionality


15fps_0005. . .

15 frames per second. It’s enough when it’s cold.

(click image to watch)

[15fps_0005 – 408frames] | prores | iphone 3GS | 2011.02.01

Music by Billie Holiday

rebecca pan

[15fps] – a project without a time-frame. . .

listen: Ekahwerdna (Yes, No, Maybe So). . .

A new assembly of boom baps and beep boops from Ekahwernda.


labs: projector_v2.3. . .

projector 2.3

projector updated to v2.3. Now allows the User to add custom icons and have then automatically recognized by the apps.

projector_v2.3 download page. . .

v2.3 – added auto-checking for Application Support folder, allows user to add their own folders/icons, design icon
v2.2 – added Premiere Pro and Shake icons
v2.0 – released! (new workflow including reprojector)
v1.0 – released!


projects: cubeBot finds a home. . .

What started as a few window whiteboard scribbles. . .

cubeBot concept

. . . and has started to become more and more an identity for this site. I present to you cubeBot, and glimpse at where this little guy is headed.

cubeBot character sheet
cubeBot character sheet

cubeBot look 1
cubeBot look 2
cubeBot render tests.

And a simple look at his natural habitat:

cubeBot environment test (13MB .mov)

A big collection of cubes driven by some simple MEL expressions.

A lot more coming up in regards to this project. (Including but not limited to) Original score by Ekahwerdna, crowd and character animation, and some sexy sexy UI work.


labs: RenderQ_v1.2.1. . .

RenderQ_v1.2.1 with new preference system, default flags saved per application, some bug fixes, and a simple addition to sleep…mode.

RenderQ_v1.2.1 download page. . .

[2010.10.28 – v1.2.1]:

-ask for actual path for each render engine
-checks for current preferences and resets if required
-fixed localization issue related to file type naming
-ask to save default flags for each renderer
-adjusted render_fin sound volume and added sleepmode sound


andrew hake
one man thinktank
